OctoFlorida 5 – Pattern Matching

There’s something to be said about patterns, and matching them. There are many ways to look at patterns when they’re applied to yourself. You can say you’re finding your way. Or that you’re in a groove. If you don’t like the pattern, you’ll say you’re in a rut. I think I’m finding my pattern here, the first indication of which is that we slept in a bit today, and waking up even by 7:30 was hard enough.

I guess you start to get desensitized to the beautiful beach. It would have been a great day to have my coffee on the beach, but again I sat on the couch and read a few chapters of my book. Mind, you, I ended up spending 3 hours outside today so it’s not like I’m hiding from it. I think it’s just common enough now that I am fine just reading with my morning coffee.

Then I did some work.

I convinced D to go for a walk on the beach, mostly because I don’t want to see her spend her whole time down here staring at her computer and her phone, which she’s been doing a lot this week. So we went for a nice walk along the beach, with the high tide rolling it. It was bright & clear and splendid out. When we got back we jumped in the pool and got back to work before lunch.

Then I worked again.

I went for another 30 mile road ride, mostly the same as yesterday but with all the bad parts out. I can now pretty much do a solid 30-40 and not worry about the cars. Again, at this point I’m fitting my biking into a pattern. Do I enjoy it? Yeah, somewhat, especially when I don’t feel like I’m going to die. Am I doing this to force some exercise into my day? Definitely. And I’m getting a lot right now. It’s not a bad thing, at all. But a week will be plenty of this.

The Strava link can be found here.

Then I jumped in the pool again.

Wrapped up a little work before dinner which was lamb, a meal which I hammered for sure tonight. I was hungry, am often hungry this week, due to the amount I’ve been riding. To me this is a good pattern, because I like riding and I like eating. So this works out.

After dinner we went to Costco, which sort of broke the pattern.

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