Utah 23-4: Snowbird Freshies

The Plan

Today we decided that we would hit Snowbird. The weather was saying it was going to be sunny all day. So that seemed to make a lot of sense. And thus, Snowbird it is.

The Drive

Normally the drive to the ski hill would not be anything of note…normally. Due to the limited parking at Snowbird we decided to take the bus up to the top. Well as soon as we got on the standing-only bus, we found out that the canyon was closed while they removed the snow from the avalanches. So we sat on the bus for about an hour waiting, talking to various people on the bus. Minnesota and Vermont were the states represented along with us, NY/NJ.

Of note, a woman got out and peed in the snow because she was losing her composure.

The Day

It was a hell of a different snow day today. It was pretty much like nothing I have ever experienced. It was vast, so incredibly massive. And there is just stuff everywhere. There is literally terrain for ever walk of life there. Unreal all around.

Some notable things from the day:

  • While I did ski in fresh powder yesterday, today was A LOT of fresh powder. This will never happen on the east coast
  • I realized that you can no longer ski with 90% of your weight on the outside ski. In this stuff, you not only need to lean back but you also need to use both skis equally
  • Not intentionally, we ended up on a double black diamond which is what it is, but the snow was blowing sideways.
  • We went on a fresh ski run and I lost my ski in the snow. Some dude from Cape Cod helped me find it.
  • Managed to get myself into the middle of nowhere when I blasted out of a black diamond right through the groomed run, into a low point that was nearly impossible to get out
  • Simon went under the snow and it shook him up pretty good
  • Every run down the hill is like another round of boxing Mike Tyson

At the end of the day, I was pretty damn exhausted.

The Strava file can be found here.

The Drive Home

Another bus, which I hope to never ride in again.

And Done

Got some Toro Ramen and watched Better Off Dead.

Day 4 of the trip comes to an end and what a day it was. We are halfway through this trip and we have done a hell of a lot of skiing while here. We’ve seen pretty much anything & everything out here in just the 3 days we’ve been out. It’s hard to believe

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