The Last 23-24 Ski Weekend in Vermont 3 – Stratton

Zac is up in the middle of the night throwing up, which is why we now know that Simon didn’t have food poisoning the other night. While we’re happy it’s not Simon, it still sucks that this happened at all.

We decide to go to Stratton due to Zac’s condition, and the proximity to home. We know it’s going to be a shorter day and it will be easier to start driving home now. We make the drive and Zac is more or less out of it the whole way.

The lots are more full than I have ever seen here, just people parked everywhere. When we finally get to the hill we would see the same as yesterday, basically normal lift lines to no lift lines at all. But the lots are batshit. We follow someone’s lead and make our own spot, moving a cone to fit the car.

We head out and Zac stays in the car to sleep.

Immediately my legs are worthless. Yesterday was such a massive day that it’s everything I can do not to hurt. I try to relax but that only goes so far. I think in hindsight, this may have been the first stroke of my own stomach bug, but 90% of that was dead legs from the day before.

The conditions are great, for Stratton. But it’s a hard day nonetheless. Thankfully we only do 3 hours then call it a half-day.

The Strava link can be found here.

We then make lunch in the car, change, and hit the road. The road is littered with ice-covered trees which are beautiful. If nothing else, it is an amazing day of bright blue sky.

We stop for gas & tea & snacks, then head out the rest of the drive which is surprisingly free of traffic. We make it home around 7.

I am shivering when we get home and immediately take a hot shower. This is the start of my very own 5-day stomach bug.

Bear is happy we are home.

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