23 & Sedona 4 – Hiline

I wake up at 4:45 again, still on east coast time. Alex & Mark had come the night before in the middle of the night, coming in around midnight. I am as quiet as possible while I drink my coffee, make my eggs, make another coffee, then make oatmeal.

Eventually everyone wakes up and we catch up after a long time. I have a 3rd coffee because D has to work until 10 and by the time we get back, it’ll be too late.

Today we decide to do the Hiline loop. Alex & Mark have gone to get the bike rentals and we are all set to go by 10:00.

We take an easy way to Hiline but we are quickly on the trail. It’s an awesome trail as you can see below. So many great picture opportunities. We descend this, do Baldwin & Templeton then hit both of the Slim Shadys to get back to the car. Great loop, though Alex fell at one point and sprained her ankle.

The Strava link can be found here.

Back to the condo, then a pool, hot tub, pool, and hot tub, before heading in and eating more. Alex & Mark make dinner and then we have a mad adventure to find Alex’s aura ring, which was in the chair.

The end of today marks the halfway point of the trip. 4 days down and 4 to go. I feel like the mid point has come way too fast.

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