OctoFlorida 8 – Florida Terminus

It’s the last day here. We are up at 7:30 after almost 8 hours of sleep. After a coffee & tea and a quick breakfast, we head over to walk on the beach. Before we go that, I fix up the wagon to find that D’s dad’s car’s battery is dead. A problem for later.

We take a morning walk of 3 miles on the beach, taking it in. There’s some sun but not a lot. Teh day turnd from spotty to overcast pretty quickly.

A guy launches his power-glide-lawnmower right behind us. After he leaves, we figure out it’s 1 of the neighbors.

I head back early and get the battery out of the car, then they all follow me and are at the house by 11:30. I take Opa over to Napa and we get a new battery and by 12:30 the problem is fixed. For this, I will make the 2023 Hall of Fame for Oma & Opa.

Then we eat lunch.

Back to the beach for a last foray, a 2.5+ mile walk on the soft sand. This is good, as it’s a chance for us to just talk without electronics and such. It’s a nice last walk. We sit in the chairs for a little then say goodbye to the beach around 3:00.

We shower up, clean up the rooms we used, then pack up and are ready to go. We hang out in the living room with her parents for an hour just talking before we leave. Around 5, we have a quick snack then hit the road.

The drive is uneventful.

Airports are places that serve as nothing more than endpoints. An endpoint which is never great, never awful; it just is. An airport doesn’t serve as a way to get anywhere, or do much of anything. Unlike an airplane, which gets you from A to B, or B to A, an airport is nothing more than an A, or a B. Currently, the airport in Sanford/Orlando is serving as our B. There’s nothing especially amazing about this airport. But it’s easy to get in & out of. While our current location serves as the start of our B to A journey, it also stands as the end of our Florida trip. Almost exactly 7 days ago we landed here, the start of a pretty good week. But now that’s over, and we’ll be heading to A in Allentown in an hour or so. Until then, we’ll be parked in the row you see below.

The flight home is uneventful, which is how it should be. We get there 5 minutes late. No big deal.

We are ion the car around 12:15 and home at 1:15. It’s a late night but this was by design. Maximize the time we have in the sand, and deal with it when we get home.

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