OctoFlorida 2 – Obtaining Bike

I wake up and make coffee. This is the way to start the day. At home I would sit on the porch with the dog. As I have neither a porch nor a dog available, I sit on the couch and read a few chapters of my book. You could argue that I should go sit on the beach and drink it. And you’d probably be right. Maybe tomorrow.

After my coffee, but before work, I head to Publix which is about a mile north on route A1A. Anyone who has spent any time in Florida knows what Publix is – a grocery store. I get the essentials to make breakfast and lunch, and whatever other fruits I feel like eating at the moment. The store is generally quiet.

Then I work from condo, as does D. There is nothing remarkable about this so I will leave it at that.

Before lunch I make my way to Foxtail Coffee Company, which is apparently a chain in both Florida & Georgia. I am pleasantly surprised they have Ethiopian Yirgacheffe on sale here, and even more surprised that they have a pour-over. I get a bag of coffee and a pour-over and head back home. The pour-over is nothing short of excellent and I may need to visit this place again before I leave.

Then I make lunch, which is a salad of lettuce, tomatoes, and avocado topped with ham & mozzarella cheese plus mustard & vinegar on top. Breakfast was oatmeal with apples & bananas & peanut butter. Even on Work From Vacation, I’m trying to setup 2 meals properly so as not to blow out the calorie budget while here.

Then I work in the afternoon. That will do.

After 3:00 I walk down to Bob’s Beach Bicycle and pick up my road bike rental for the week. It’s a meager $192 after tax. I may try to ride 192 miles while here, though past experience tells me that is a mind-numbing number of miles.

I follow that by going for a bike ride, in which I try to find some road we hit a few years ago. After I got home and looked at the map, I see that I passed it. I should be able to hit this tomorrow. Otherwise, the road riding here can be described in 3 words: flat, wind, and cars. There’s a lot of all 3. I am not deluding anyone. This road bike rental is a tool to exercise while here.

The Strava link can be found here.

For dinner we go to Middle Eastern Aromas, which is a place I found on Yelp because I wanted baba ganoush. They had it, we ate it, and it was good. The lamb leg special was also good. But the meal was a tad sparse. I’m not sure I would go back here.

On the way home we stopped at Publix and got ice cream. Then we went back to the condo.

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