Aruba Club 2: The ATV Day

The Plan

There is no plan other than the ATV rental.

(Note that WordPress site ate my words from yesterday so this is mostly a picture post because I do not want to write it all again).

Breakfast Pancakes

We eat pancakes (crepes really) across the street at Willem’s. They are good. The coffee is good. The fresh stroopwaffle is a bonus.

The ATV Adventure

We rent ATVs for the day and do like 40-50 miles around the island. It is pretty awesome but I fry myself to a crisp in the sun. Thankfully my helmet prevents my head from catching fire.

After the ATV

We grab a chicken skewer at a stand for lunch. Then I go off on my own and find coffee, which is ok but not worth the walk. Then I get a small ice cream and head back to the hotel to shower. D has been working all day – on & off next to the pool.

The Beach

We then lay on the beach for an hour or so, collect our things, join a few coworkers for a bit, then head to the next step of the day.

Dinner & More Beach

We grab dinner at Nikkei Sushi, then a small ice cream, then we walk the beach for a bit before going back to the room.

And Then

I am a lobster, burned to a crips. D finishes work and I do nothing.

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