Cali HQ Day 2: The Ramen Nagi Experience

I’m up at 6:30 with an unexpected 6 hours of sleep. Not unexpectedly, I’m slow to get moving, so I need to Uber over to the office instead of walking because I’m dragging ass today, and won’t get there on time. This is lazy, but practical I suppose. I need to be there for a call I’m on from the East Coast.

Back at the office, decorated for Chinese New Year

The focus today is to work with a guy I’ve been mentoring. He’s been looking forward to spending time together because he wants to learn. So here I am! A day early just to help him out. We work together in the morning then get Korean food for lunch. I have no picture of this.

In all it’s a solid day, and hopefully he got something out of it. Another guy is in town this week and the 3 of us plus a girl from the office go to Ramen Nagi for dinner. I’ve been hearing about this place for a long time, so I decide to let them take me there. You know I love a good ramen.

We get there and the line is long. Like really long. So we hang out, talk, look at people, check the menu and decide what we want, and in an hour and change we’re in the door. While we’re in line the girl with us says, during a conversation, “My boyfriend is a professional smash brothers player.”

I neither know what that means, or what to make of it. I am old.

The Ramen Nagi wait
Keeps going…

Despite the long wait we’re in there 5 minutes and we get our food. So it’s really only slightly more of a wait than a lot of places. An hour and change after we got there, we were eating. Not terrible.

Inside Nagi, the service is super fast
A quick bite of sprouts
And the payoff pitch

The Google Review:

This place is really very good but I don’t know if it is the best place in the world, and worth this sort of wait. Would I go back? Of course. Would I wait 90 minutes? I don’t think so. The service was fast, out of sight. I did not think the broth was a high point.

After dinner we hem & haw (they debate getting drunk which I want no part of) then I decide to go to Big Mug Coffee to hang out, and the guy I spent the day with joins me. I talk to him about life & work. I drink an Ethiopian pour over and it is pretty good.

Big Mug Coffee as the last stop
The Americano was all they had at this point of the night

The Google review:

Pretty good coffee shop in a sea of decent food and inordinately mundane scenery. The clientele here is as eclectic as it gets, which is an interesting cross-section of people. A little disappointed they “close” the pour-over machine at night. I am not sure what that means when all you need is hot water. But it was good, would go back for sure.

I hit Whole Foods on the way back for supplies. Not only do I land Jeni’s ice cream, I find Humphrey Slocombe, which is a major score.

The Whole Foods spread

I write, then eat dessert.

And dessert

Before the night is out, Tommy shows. We hang out and BS for a bit, then call it a night.

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