Asheville Break 21 Day 4 – Biltmore

We slept a lot the night before. Upon waking up we get a start on the day, clean up the AirBnb, pack the truck, and hit the road before too long.

Also forgot to mention we grabbed a magnet & sticker the day before.

Magnet & Sticker

We walk around Asheville a little before the day starts and find another tourist store to buy stuff. Just short of lunch we hit up Loretta’s Cafe and grab a few sandwiches to bring back to Terren & Cheryl’s house. It is Monday so they are back to work & school.

Picking sandwiches for lunch

We hang out at their place for a little bit, but not too long. We need to hit the road and they are back in their normal lives. Allie & Kelsey are in school today, so it’s just the 5 of us. It’s a nice send off to the nice weekend.

Half of my haul for the day

Before hitting the road we swing by the Biltmore Estate, which is grand to say the least. This is a house that was once owned (or maybe still is) by the Vanderbilts. I would not be able to tell you anything you do not already know about this house. So I will not. Wikipedia can fill you in on the details so I will just say that it’s big. And grand.

Biltmore from the outside
A big room
Julia and the grounds beyond
Kitchen shot
This appears to be a dungeon to somewhere
Below something
The indoor swimming pool
Flowers again
More flowers
Again more flowers
More flowers again

After we saw the house & greenhouse, we hit the road for Harrisonburg, Virginia. Julia was in an especially talkative mood on the drive today, which was nice. She played the role of DJ and tried to find music we both like, mostly settling on Eminem.

As usual, we hit some traffic but it was not too awful. We took the opportunity to grab some junky fast food for dinner to eat on the drive.

We got to the AirBnb late, but not terribly late. The owners left brownies for us, which was amazing.

Relaxing at our AirBnb

We topped off the night with a call to the family. Then we hit the sack for 1 last day on the road tomorrow.

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