Orlando Conference 3: Enough Already

I wake up at 6:00 tired. Any kind of trip eventually wears on you, at least on me it does. And this morning we hit the “wear” part of “wear & tear” in this trip. The cycle of waking up elsewhere, and being elsewhere, and living an elsewhere life adds up and eventually you need to not be elsewhere. Today is that day for me.

But the sunrise was beautiful.

Sunrise 1
Sunrise 2
Sunrise 3

Breakfast is the same as the day before and I get out on the road early as I need to be back for a 9:30 call. I ride from the hotel and take a straight shot west from there, in a straight line, for 21+ miles. I was led to believe this route would be quiet and it was, save for the astounding amount of dump trucks. I usually do not get bothered by traffic, but 1 dump truck in particular simply scared the shit out of me and after that, I was a little afraid of every auto that passed me by. If I lived here, I would not be able to ride these roads that are so bike indifferent. I don’t want to say they are unfriendly, per se. But they sure as shit are not friendly.

Tired AF looking
Look at that plentiful shoulder!

Strava link can be found here.

After calls and a little work, I get an early lunch which again is not worth writing home about.

Mediocre lunch

Then I do the show. Then I work while some of the other people I work with go to the bar and go to the lazy river. I find it hard to believe some people get paid for this and then complain that they have a tough time at work. Then I do the show again for the next session.

I skip dinner and try to find something decent to eat, and land at Blue Coast. It’s absolutely not worth going to. Again: if starving, it’ll do. Otherwise do not go out of your way.

As banal tasting as it looks
This looks ok, but it was poor

I get back to the room and check in for my flight tomorrow. I am ready to go home.

More or less how my brain sees the world right now.

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