Kingdom Day 5: That’s a Wrap

Tuesday morning, we wake up and do the breakfast thing, which is more eggs as I try to clear out as much food as I can. I run to the end of the eggs which isn’t quite enough for the remaining people. Later we would find another Costco tray but they were hidden on the bottom of the fridge. But no worries, we had plenty of food. We are trying to use as much as we can before we take off.

We decide not to ride today because the rain is coming in soon. We had a good week and we’re all pretty happy with what we got. The good new stuff wasn’t opened yet, so it is what it is. In all we had a great week, so being rained out for the last day isn’t a big deal.

The stuff we have amassed thus far gets packed up and sorted out. We often leave with more than we came with.
The last bits of food to be packed up.

Packing up is easy enough. Figuring out who takes all the extra food is another story. We always end up with more food than we need which is a good thing in the end. But many of us don’t want to take more than we brought, which happens. And of course the food left is from people who’ve gone home already so nobody has a particular affinity for anything. I do my best to push food on people but in the end we take most of it ourselves. I believe we left with 9 pounds of cheese.

We talk amongst ourselves as we pack our stuff, split the food, and clean the house out. This is our last gathering of the trip, in a way.

One last shot of the crew before we left the house and hit the road for the long drive home.

We stop at the coffee shop in town with Magic and Brian. We grab some tea & coffee for the road and the guys get breakfast to eat on the road. The shop is nice, bigger than it looks from the outside. But since we had good coffee at the house, I had no reason to come here. Good to know this is here for our next trip in July.

We grab some gas in town before we hit the highway and see Karin pulling out. We then hit the road and start the long drive home in the rain.

After about 3 hours we stop for lunch at The Garden Market. We eat in the car as we cut across Vermont towards Albany, still in the rain. The trip is uneventful which is good. The sandwich shop food is actually decent.

The drive home was a long road of rain, not a great day for biking.

We get home at 4:15 then I sporadically text everyone to make sure we all got home safely. Through the weekend I ask everyone to text me when they get home, just because I play the role of Camp Director and want to be sure everyone is safe & sound. In the end, we are all safe & sound.

I clean up the bikes, we unpack, and that’s the end of another MTBNJ trip to Kingdom Trails.

I miss it already.

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